Smans data server is a Web site content manager and tools for Web database and data site development. Really, Smans is a set of Java servlets (smans-ds.jar) providing a Web application by the following functions:REQUIREMENTS
Web application server
supporting Java Servlet 2.3/JSP 1.2 or later
wapp/WEB-INF/web.xml | - Deployment descriptor |
- Library:
smans-ds.jar - Smans data server, savz.jar - Sav Zigzag database manager, activation.jar, mail.jar - email support (auxilary) |
- Smans system data:
account.sdb - account, catalogue.sdb - catalogue |
- Smans hidden data
wapp/... | - Examples of managed data files (*.html, *.txt, *.sdb, *.gif, ...) |
Smans data server starts automatically as a Web module in running Web application server. Client may address to Smans server from PC or even from mobile device with HTML/XHTML Web browser through the http://<hostname>/[<application>/]servlet/menu URL. Example for standalone Tomcat: http://localhost:8080/wapp/servlet/menu. First time, to enter in Smans menu as administrator, you need to use login with "admin" name and "admin" password.
To process Smans database files (*.sdb) in offline, you can use desktop development tool, Sav ZBase,
Each Web server has specific configuration for Web site and Smans data server does not affect this. For example, in Apache Web server, very useful may be ".haccess" file, which sets up access limitation to a Web site/directory. See documentation in correspondent Web server.
Web browser must support interface with UTF-8 code. If non-English symbols still look incorrect, problem may lay in a Web application server. If to say about new version 5/6 of Tomcat, the server.xml configuration should be changed with such parameter:
<Connector ... useBodyEncodingForURI="true" />